Ana Saragoça | Estratégia de Marketing
Create, Connect, Communicate and Profit +

Strategic and creative communication to attract customers, generate business and build memorable brands

Support program

Ana’s personal view of your business

Mentoria para Empreendedores Inconformistas

Mentoring for Dissentient Entrepreneurs

Mentoring program with meetings tailored for restless and dissentient entrepreneurs, active in any field. Regardless of the area of expertise and the results achieved so far, mentoring is aimed at entrepreneurs who want more and are seeking to reach higher levels in their business.

It’s for those who already have a business, but for some reason are not achieving the desired results. It’s also for those who are already doing well on their own, but recognize that an outside professional view can take them even further.

It doesn’t matter if the goal is to strengthen relationships with the most profitable customers, launch new products, better project sales, or proper pricing to increase business profitability.

What really matters is that, regardless of your need and purpose, I will be there with you and for you, sharing techniques and marketing strategies that are still little known and disseminated in the Brazilian market, but which have the potential to revolutionize your company’s strategy and revenue.

Business Consulting

Do you want to spend an hour with me, Ana Saragoça, to detect possible flaws and improvements for your marketing and commercial plan?

Click below to apply.

If your application is accepted, we will work as partners, hand in hand, to create the best solution for your business.

Since spots are limited, the preference is of C3 customers.

Consultoria Empresarial

Marketing Training

Caixa de Ideias C3

Sell more with the C3 Idea Box

Based on the C3 method, of communication, creativity and connectivity, this course is directed to businessmen and manegers in the service business.

Learn concepts of positioning, craftiness to find your differentiation in the market, digital presence planning, media planning (online and offline), humanization of media channels and commercial communication management (how to sell what your customer wants).

So you are not bored, you receive our Ideas Box of actions to update your communication and implement, once and for all, an effective and unique marketing integrated with sales, “piece of cake”!

The funnest way to update your strategic thinking and marketing management

Marketing for
Successful Clinics

The Marketing method for Successful Clinics (@clinicasdessucesso) is an online course aimed at healthcare professionals who work in clinics, offices, hospitals or even at home.

They are doctors, therapists, psychologists, nutritionists, physiotherapists and other specialists working in the health sector.

Training is focused on helping these professionals to be recognized and valued for their work, attracting clients with the ideal profile, increasing professional authority, building a desirable brand and, consequently, increasing revenue.

Through shared strategies and techniques, it is possible to fill schedules without being subject to discounts and without relying on health plans.

Personalized marketing Projects

If you are in doubt which is the best program for you or would like a customized project, fill in the application below so we can better understand what we can do for you today.

Some of our clients that approve our work

Ana in the midia

Ana, who?

You must be wondering who this Ana person is… Well, I’m Ana Saragoça, a woman from Minas Gerais who is completely in love with communication and entrepreneurship. I have a restless mind and open arms for innovation. I believe that life is much better when people and companies are willing to leave their imprint on the world and that’s why I don’t settle for more of the same.

Marketing de Experiência pelas Ruas de Milão | LEGO, Dior e Sephora
Conflitos e Conexões: O Natal do Boticário 2024
O marketing do medo? | A estratégia por trás da campanha do Burger King!

YouTube videos titles above:

Main Video – Do lines and facial shapes impact your professional image?
Top Right Video – Step by step to sell more by email
Bottom Right Video – Earn more with recurring sales